Naatiya Prakash

• Design Savvy • Client Focused• Energetic •

Office: 780-460-2222

Naatiya has been a part of our design team since 2014, at which time she worked remotely from Toronto while she was completing her Bachelors in Architecture at the University of Toronto. Naatiya has a laugh that could make you smile from a mile away and always makes incredible connections with her clients. Outside of staying up-to-date on all the current home trends, she knows everything there is to know about the Toronto Raptors. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a design meeting on game day and get to see her don her jersey! Outside of being a wicked homes designer and Number 1 Raptors Fan, Naatiya is also our team’s knitting and hip hop queen, there’s not much this girl can’t do! She is a future puppy mom – she is planning on naming the pup Melow- we’re giving you a high five if you caught that name reference. Dreaming of a new custom home with some added flair and drama? Contact Naatiya today to get started!